Don’t Believe Every Word

Wednesday, June 9, 2010 at 18:59 | Posted in Uncategorized | 1 Comment

Don’t Believe Every Word

Being a Hypnotist and steeped in all things hypnotic, I am often asked my opinion on Neuro Linguistic Programming, (NLP)

I believe NLP is an updated, complicated version of Hypnosis, Hypnosis repackaged and remarketed and of course proficient use of language, that’s all.

After all, for years we’ve had anchors and triggers in standard hypnosis.

One of the reasons I have never embraced NLP,  is this flat out statement of theirs, that our minds cannot process a negative.


From birth perhaps the first words you learned was, “No, and Don’t”

And those words were called out more than any other by our concerned parents.

“Don’t touch the hot stove”

“Don’t touch the dog”

“Don’t eat this, don’t eat that”

“No Don’t”

You get the picture, don’t you? Oops there goes the negative again and you Did get the picture.

NLP says that if you say “Don’t spill the coffee” then that person doesn’t process the “don’t” but only processes the “Spill the coffee” part.

So the person imagines spilling the coffee and as a result there is a far greater chance of actually spilling the coffee.

If you were to ask someone who has never smoked, “Do you smoke?” how could they answer you without using a negative.

To say “I don’t smoke” is implying “I smoke” and we all know that’s nonsense!

To say “I’m a non smoker” well there’s a negative in that statement too.

Ask any adult if they still wear nappies, they are hardly going to say, “I’m a non nappy wearer” well they might if they’ve done someone’s NLP course!  

Who are NLP to make this profound statement about our minds, our brains, of which None of us know anything, none of us know how the brain works, not even the real expert, the neurologist!

Maybe on a fleeting thinking level we might skip the “don’t” for a second and their classic example is “Don’t think of a red Rabbit” and Yes for a fleeting moment you do think of a red rabbit, if there is such a thing? And that’s only because you have to make sense of what they are asking you to do or in this case not to do.

Right now all across the USA, thousands of people are standing still at the sidewalk, (pavement) all because a sign in red reads “Don’t Walk”

How come their minds don’t ignore the “don’t” and walk?? Interesting isn’t it?

So with that in mind, don’t buy all my cd’s, don’t enroll on all my courses, don’t book me, don’t believe every word.

Your mind sees well the “Don’t” and you either will or won’t accordingly.

I sincerely hope you’ve caught on to this one.

With Warmest Regards,
I Remain,
Yours Cordially and Sincerely,
The Marvellous Max Kaan.
Hypnotist, Author, Professional Speaker.

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  1. Love it, Mr Marvelous Max Kaan!!!! And all of it is so true. Give someone a negative and they react to it!! I’m so glad I became your fb friend, I love your posts!!!! Will see you at gym soon!!!!

    With Warmest Regards,
    I Remain,
    Yours Cordially and Sincerely,
    The Lazy Gym Pal Jaccie Ellmann. 😉

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